Livelihood Programs
Start Date: 
February 2004
End Date: 
February 2008
Overall Objective: 

Living Earth Uganda implemented a comic relief funded project in Uganda from 2004-2008. The project aimed at promoting the participation of micro and small enterprises (groups and organizations) from poor urban communities in public-private partnerships so that they realize the economic and political benefits of Uganda’s PPP policy.

Specific Objectives: 

The project aimed at income generation for households, groups and enterprises from disadvantaged localities in 6 municipalities through environmentally sound activities; facilitation of groups and enterprises involvement in partnerships with local government which address environmental problems in the poorest areas of the 6 municipalities; building capacity and confidence among community organizations to engage with government to ensure that the voice of disadvantaged groups is heard and their right to a safe and healthy environment is respected and facilitation of sustained environmental improvement, and the benefits in health and well being stemming thereof, for the poorest communities in the 6 municipalities.

Project Acitivites: 

The project activities included among others; sharing and spreading of income generated from waste recycling activities at household level.